Islamic Information Center
Wrong Beliefs, sins and .. The cause of Allah’s
Punishment in both this world and the Aakhirah

2 Center
15 Years
32 Activities
38 Staff
Seeking knowledge about Allah’s Deen and teaching it to others
well known as IIC runs from past 15 Years with their proud 68 Staff team consisted on Ulama, and Da’ees which involve more than 32 Dawah activities specially Courses for Sharia Law, Arabic and Qur’aan learning, lectures in different area in country.
Today, IIC have 3 well established centers in Mumbai.
Sirf Ek Maksad
Allah ka Paigam Bandon tak Pohchana
Queries & Question Resolving
Courses at Glance
Diploma in Shariah Studies
A Diploma Course for Shariah Studies Consisted on Ahkaam of Deen from Birth to Death issues.
Suffah Islamic Class
Islamic Class for young kids who deserve basic knowledge ``Nazra Qur'aan`` to read Qur'aan properly.
Tajweed Advance Course
A course which consist to read Qur'aan by tajweed with advance knowledge of ``Harakaat``
Qur'anic Grammer
Qur'anic Grammer Course
Qur'anic Arabic Grammar Course to educate the grammar of Qur'aan for better understanding.
Qur'an Hifz
Islamic Summer Camp
Aao Deen Seekhen
Islamic Summer Camp for young kids better way to spend vacation to learn Deen
Arabic Grammar Crash Course
Qur'anic Grammer
Qur'anic Grammer Course
Qur'anic Arabic Grammar Course to educate the grammar of Qur'aan for better understanding.